Before the Presentation
Art Exhibit. The 20” X 20” illustrations are exhibited in the school fostering excitement for the upcoming visit. Students and teachers gravitate toward the art. After careful examination, they are able to find the Willis Tower in each illustration.
Voting for Favorite Painting. Students excitedly stuff their ballot in birdhouses hoping that their favorite painting will win. Conversations ensue among students about which painting will win.
Read Aloud in Class. "We want to ready Major Stink again!" Loaner books are provided to all teachers who would like to introduce the book to their class.
During the Presentation
Happy Birthday to Peter. The whole school sings their rendition of Happy Birthday to Peter as Tad and France act out the first page of the book.
Creating the Book. Tad reveals what and who inspired him to write a book. France recounts the story of how she became an artist and describes how she goes about creating her artwork.
Printing Videos. Students walk through the virtual door of a Chicago printer to see how a book is printed and bound.
Winning Page Announced. Students cheer for the page that they voted for and cheer
"Kids, teachers, and parents alike were so impressed with the book and presentation. Everyone, no matter the age, was excited to learn about the fabulous city of Chicago while learning life lessons at the same time.”
PTA Vice President
"How wonderful to have a 'museum' visit the school! Our students had art class in the hallway as we studied and discussed the illustrations."
Art Teacher
"The students loved the skit, the videos, and clapping for their favorite painting."